
What is an Orthoptics Assessment?

Low vision refers to a condition characterized by the loss of vision that cannot be fully corrected and significantly impacts daily activities and routines. It typically arises from severe eye diseases where visual impairment persists despite the use of corrective measures such as spectacles, contact lenses, medication, or surgical interventions. This type of vision loss is commonly observed in individuals aged 60 years and above. Understanding and addressing the challenges associated with low vision require specialized support and adaptive strategies to help individuals maintain independence and quality of life.

What are the functional effects of Low Vision?

Loss of Central Vision

Reading Difficulty

Inability to recognize faces and objects

Writing Difficulty

Loss of Peripheral Vision-Walking difficulty

Inability to drive

Loss of night vision

Overall Vision-Blurry Vision

Reduced Contrast

Problems related to glare

What conditions provoke the need for low vision aids?

It is advised to seek immediate attention from our Centre for the following causes:

In Children:


Retinopathy of Prematurity

Optic Neuropathy

Congenital Malformations

In Adults:

Myopic Degeneration

Advanced Keratoconus

Ocular Injuries



Age-related Macular Degeneration

Diabetic Retinopathy

Macular Degenerations

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Optic Atrophy

What do we offer as Low Vision Aids?

For near Vision Enhancement:

Spectacle Magnifier: are hands-free devices that are cosmetically appealing with a wider field of view.

Hand Magnifiers: availability of reasonable working distance and illumination.

Stand Magnifiers: ideal for patients with tremors, arthritis and reduced visual field.

Electronic devices like CCTV

For Distance Vision Enhancement:

Handheld Telescope

Spectacle Mounted Telescope

Binocular Telescope

Monocular Telescope


Tinted Lenses

Photochromatic Lenses

Polarised Lenses

What Low Vision Aid Techniques can You Implement at Home?

Enhance the Lighting system at your home.

Reduce glare hitting your eyes with sunglasses.

Use Bold tipped markers for writing notes.

Using Devices that “talks back” are readily available.

Counselling and Rehabilitation for proper use of low vision aids for both adults and children.

What is Low Vision Aids?

An optical or non-optical device is designed to enhance or improve the remaining vision by magnifying the image directly on the retina, thereby maximizing visual clarity and detail. These devices aim to optimize the use of existing visual abilities and provide individuals with increased access to important visual information for daily activities. By leveraging advanced technology and innovative design, these devices play a crucial role in maximizing residual vision and enhancing overall visual function.

What are the goals of Low vision management at Amita Eye Care?

After the initial assessment, we will help you take the following steps:

Increase Functionality: make the most of the remaining vision functional.

Provide the appropriate low vision aids for the execution of daily tasks

Education and counselling: method to use low vision aids and make life easier.

Schedule review checkup for the assessment of remaining functional vision and ocular examination.

We ascertain what treatment is best for you, depending on your needs.